THE PERFECT LINK is the leading company in Electoral Audit, carrying out audits in Electoral Processes in a specialized manner and with Specialized Protocols that certify the Election as a whole, not limited to the Audit of Electronic Elections or Electronic Ballot Boxes, but considering the Electoral Business Rules, issuing Compliance Reports for Internet Voting Systems or Ballot Boxes, as well as Adequacy Reports and, subsequently, Voting Certification Reports. Specialized Audit - THE PERFECT LINK.

THE PERFECT LINK has a multidisciplinary, qualified and certified team, which will accompany the Electoral Commission from the formulation of the Public Notice, assisting in the technical selection of the electoral systems company, in the application of the system certification tests, in the validation of the electoral business rules, issuance of opinions and implementation of transparency windows for candidates and voters. Even after the polls close, our team will follow up on any event that arises from the Electoral Process.

THE PERFECT LINK It also carries out international election observation and preparation of electoral process security studies to countries, political parties, municipal and government bodies; We issue technical opinions and expert opinions on electoral processes and assemblies. schedule a work technique appointment.

THE PERFECT LINK brought to the electoral processes, many years ago, the extension of the Electoral Audit to the entire scope of the electoral process, audit not only electronic voting, but also business procedures and rules, being present throughout the electoral process, from Technical and administrative assistance specialized in drafting terms of reference, selection of electronic voting companies, going through the application system certification tests, penetration and inviolability tests of voting systems, sealing of technical environments, monitoring electronic voting professional, performing hashing in real time, analyzing evidence and electronic voting logs, issuing audit reports, certification of sites, URAs and voting systems, issuance of opinions and audit assistance in eventual challenges to the electoral process.

THE PERFECT LINK's leadership in the election audit market is the result, in addition to the investment in the training of our election and auditors, of a long history in auditing competitions , audit of advertising promotions on the Internet, audit of draws for federal approval and audit of conventional electoral processes, by common ballots or with the use of banknotes with calcographic security. Obtain THE PERFECT LINK security and certification seal for your advertising campaign, contest or raffle.


Since 1997 carrying out Audits of Elections, Contests, Assemblies and Draws of Professional Councils, Clubs, Medical Specialties Societies, Pension and Health Funds, Unions, Universities, Condominiums, Shareholders Associations. Electronic Electoral Audit, Paper Calcographic Ballots, Election by URA, whatever the physical support chosen THE PERFECT LINK will have the appropriate audit protocol to professionally certify your Election Process.

The electoral audit must be carried out by a qualified company, which includes auditors with proven experience in the specific field of electoral auditing of electoral processes, and adequate and accredited technical qualification. The facts resulting from the electoral audit require a company with a technical and administrative structure to deal with objections, requests for clarification and other dynamics related to the elections, that only solid companies, with their own headquarters and an impeccable track record can provide to your electoral process.

The analyzes carried out in the audit of electoral processes are based on professional verifications and are confirmed with records generated by professional and licensed election audit tools.Reports issued by THE PERFECT LINK are reliable, accurate and original, protected by intellectual property and their measurements are fully verifiable by our auditors, in any case, since they are professional monitoring and verification provided by its own international Audit Laboratory.

THE PERFECT LINK is an effective member of various national and international entities, which provides security and reliability to our clients, not only in the technical quality of the work carried out, but also in the sustained support before any critical of the work carried out or in cases of opposition to the electoral process.

THE PERFECT LINK constantly invests in research and development, Long experience and significant investment in technology, good service resulting in a constant increase in market share. We also operate in the rest of Latin America, Portugal and Spain. We carry out the Audit of the largest elections in the country, carried out on various physical supports such as Internet elections, electronic ballot boxes, security paper ballots.It is a pioneer in auditing the use of biometrics and digital certificates.

With 27 years of history, and in its own headquarters since 2001, THE PERFECT LINK has professional Electoral Audit tools, having equipment for analysis of electronic elections, electronic ballot boxes, analysis of chalcographic ballots (talho doce), electoral processes on the Internet, audit of tenders, raffles online, audit of boards. Our Electoral Audit Laboratory is equipped with sophisticated software to analysis of voting records, monitoring of elections on the Internet, certification of URAs. We have an exclusive video wall for the electoral audit, monitor the progress of the electoral process in real time. These features allow our election audit team to provide robust and reliable analysis of the vote. and the administrative processes of the election.

THE PERFECT LINK has extensive experience in, audit of advertising surveys, sweepstakes approval for registration and government clearance. His experience in electoral audit goes back much further. the use of electronic elections, with the use of ballot boxes or Internet elections, in the control of conventional electoral processes, through common ballots and in elections that use security paper, calcographic, also called talho doce. Whichever physical support you choose, it is possible establish checkpoints and ensure the integrity of the vote.