THE PERFECT LINK is dedicated to providing accreditation and scientific services. We understand that this action must go beyond diligent compliance with the scope of our contracts, following our standards and regulations. We seek to understand local cultures and of our clients, to create a positive and productive professional and human experience.

Develop each project seriously, applying our best human and technical resources, prioritizing technical quality, guided by ethics, compliance with current legislation and to our compliance, in order to be a reliable support for our clients in resolving their disputes and in improving and reviewing their processes, seeking the progress of society.

Internally, we promote research and innovation in processes, techniques, knowledge and audit methods and we improve the quality of care, always with the aim of improving THE PERFECT LINK's relationship with customers, the scientific community, society and the environment.

For us, work, research and a positive, ethical, responsible and human attitude allow business growth and transform society. With this philosophy, we foster human development, supporting initiatives to protect the vulnerable, we promote inclusion, diversity and fight prejudice. We encourage creativity, the plurality of ideas, work and national progress.

Promoting and fostering ethics, the fight against corruption and the violation of intellectual property is an important activity for THE PERFECT LINK. We promote the largest criminal investigation, compliance and anti-crime event corruption in Latin America, the International Day of Criminal Investigation.

Voluntary academic participation is an important purpose for THE PERFECT LINK, not only for professional updating but also for the transformation of society through science. We act as effective members in various international entities for research, standards development and scientific improvement.


PRINCIPLES - THE PERFECT LINK must understand the very existence and activity of the company as an end superior to excellence in the provision of services, acting as a transforming entity of society, transmitting these values ??to its employees and to society, aiming at human and national development.

1. All employees/collaborators, representatives and partners of THE PERFECT LINK are subject to the ethical standards of their own profession and to the Code of Ethics, Conduct and Compliance of THE PERFECT LINK.

2. All shareholders, directors and professionals of THE PERFECT LINK assume the commitment to conduct themselves in accordance with the honor, nobility and dignity of the profession; with compliance with the legislation in force in the country of origin and in the place where the services are provided; with ethical and humanitarian principles, with the uncompromising fight against corruption.

3. THE PERFECT LINK's mission is to observe ethics and integrity in the provision of its services, in all its fields of activity, with respect to intellectual property, with the fight against corruption, the encouragement of human and national development, and its professionals must act with technical independence, decorum, loyalty and good faith.

4. This code of ethics, conduct and compliance regulates and determines the internal and external relationship of THE PERFECT LINK with clients, suppliers, national and foreign government agencies, and society in general.

5. THE PERFECT LINK adheres, in addition to the provisions of this code, to good practices, to the anti-corruption legislation in force at its headquarters (Law No. such as the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act - FCPA (US) and the UK Bribery Act (UK). Any misconduct can be reported through the complaints channel

RULE OF ETHICS AND COMPLIANCE IN THE PROVISION OF SERVICES THE PERFECT LINK undertakes to observe the following rules in the provision of its services:

1. Provide services with seriousness, application, technical quality, legal and scientific precision, in a confidential and reliable manner, contributing to the solution and better decision-making of our clients.

2. Search for improvement, economy, innovation, respect for intellectual property, in carrying out processes, procedures and methods of service provision.

3. In no case, carry out any act that violates respect for the dignity of the human person, of a prejudiced nature. Always act with economy, serenity, tolerance, respect for diversity, preservation of the environment.

4. Observe the internal rules of our clients in everything that does not conflict with the internal rules of THE PERFECT LINK, notify the client and the management of THE PERFECT LINK of any ethical conflict.

5. Treat all equipment, technology, information, made available by THE PERFECT LINK or by its suppliers or clients, with absolute zeal, preserving, storing, maintaining corporate identifications, and with secrecy, in an organized, responsible and conscious manner.