THE PERFECT LINK is the reference company in Judicial and Private Criminalistics, at the service of Municipalities, Individuals, Companies and Security Forces, with own and professional laboratories. Whether in defensive or investigative expertise, we work in the resolution of digital crimes, computer expertise, traffic lattice, graphotechnical and documentary expertise, audio, video and digital photo forensics, crime scene forensics including ballistics, art forensics and other areas. Schedule a technical meeting.

THE PERFECT LINK was a pioneer in private forensic expertise in electronic crimes of any nature (Internet, computers, smartphones), being a benchmark in specialization in various areas of knowledge because, over the years, we have consolidated, in terms of specific training, forensic resources and forensic techniques, our electronic evidence forensic analysis laboratories, covering forensic science on any digital evidence, such as audio, voice, video, photos, Internet publications, digital documents, expert reports on notarial documents and signatures with digital certificates, social networks, email messages and WhatsApp communicator, but we are also structured to serve other expert specialties.

In addition to the area of ??origin in the specialization of high technology, THE PERFECT LINK extended, for many years, its performance to other specialties, such as experience in crime scenes of any nature (ballistics, traffic, corporate crimes, computer damage), graphotechnical and documentary expertise (documentscopy expertise on physical and digital documents), artwork expertise, election expertise, bloodstains, fingerprint expertise, authenticity expertise vehicles and equipment, technical measurements, forensic ballistics and other related areas.

THE PERFECT LINK took a holistic approach to the expert processes, carrying out technical-scientific expert work deeply scientifically based but submit expert reports and reports that are clear and easy to understand for lawyers, magistrates and parties involved in the case, supporting the office and accompanying the case until its resolution and sentence.

THE PERFECT LINK acts with investigative expertise and defensive expertise, carrying out the work professionally and with all the necessary expert resources for the collection, preservation and analysis of evidence. In expert technical assistance we act directly both for the party and for the law firms that represent the party, prioritizing absolute respect and privacy of the case and of the parties.

The Defensive forensics is an area where THE PERFECT LINK has always operated and which has been gaining importance as law firms, such as From the international offices, they have realized the need to know the factual reality of the cases, with the support of the expert technical assistant. Not infrequently, he The preliminary expert opinion supports the initial piece and, since it is an expert opinion carried out with impartiality and scientific depth, to be accepted and considered by the Judgment and the Other part. In the cases in which the defensive expertise is presented as a questioning of the expertise carried out by the state or federal Institute of Criminalistics, the support of technical assistance, often carried out with more resources than those available for state expertise, allows the full exercise of the contradictory, with the elaboration of expert questions, carrying out private expert opinions in contradiction with the official one, as well as the direct questioning of the work carried out through expert opinions. forensic expertise. Contact us about specialized support in defensive investigation.

The investigative expertise, whether in the criminal, civil, competitive or labor spheres, provides, in parallel or independently of the official expertise, to the party or to the law firm a second expert point of view on the obtaining, treatment and analysis of the forensic evidence and the expert conclusions of the case. THE PERFECT LINK has technical resources and sophisticated laboratories, which are often not found in state laboratories, which allows sharing and the sum of resources for the case, as well as the presentation of expert opinions and reports with the result of the private investigative expertise, in the search for committing the crimes. Contact THE PERFECT LINK.

THE PERFECT LINK has always acted in internal investigation, also called due diligence, cases in which it analyzes internal compliance documentation and conduct restrictions, installs control points and measurement of the practice of prohibited conducts, identifies the authorship of these practices and performs the collection and preservation evidence that really has value in court. We also act in response to incidents of information leakage and the practice of violations of internal rules, doing the forensic search of authorship and identifying the internal security failure. Benefit from the expert support of THE PERFECT LINK in due diligence.


Since 1997, THE PERFECT LINK performs Forensic Expertise in various areas of knowledge. It is a company strategy to continuously improve the training of our forensic experts, in the development of forensic techniques and the continued and planned investment in professional forensic tools, which provides our clients personalized service backed by expert technical knowledge and world-class forensic laboratories in the various areas.

Judicial expertise or private expertise in high-tech crimes, whether practiced in various electronic media or on the Internet, is a pioneering and the origin of the experience THE PERFECT LINK. We have expert resources and techniques aimed at this specialty, with the aim of finding the authorship of the internal and external crimes committed. against municipalities, companies and individuals. Financial fraud criminal expertise, payroll and benefits expertise, e-commerce site forensics, experience and vulnerability checks on secure payment sites, banking institutions and the like are common cases examined by THE PERFECT LINK.

La Computer Expertise is a specialty of THE PERFECT LINK, performing controls on various electronic devices, such as expertise on computers, smartphones, tablets, servers, active elements, networks and sites. Our laboratories have specialized tools for solving cases of information leakage, specialization in data destruction, detection of pornography, crimes against honor and the like. The Expertise in Internet Crimes, developed by THE PERFECT LINK, aims to find the perpetrator of the crime, but also to gather valid evidence in court.

THE PERFECT LINK has extensive experience in resources for the analysis of analog or digital photos, videos and audios. We verify, always with expert professional resources, the integrity analysis audio and video, expertise to verify the manipulation, origin and authorship of audio, video and photos. We carry out forensic recordings, forensic verification of voice DNA, forensic analysis of silent videos, sports video forensics, security footage forensics, crime scene video forensics.

THE PERFECT LINK's document analysis (documentoscopy) laboratory is world class, with spectral analyzers for physical and digital documents. We have resources for the forensic analysis of documents in all its spectrum: irradiation, software forensic analysis, chemical analysis of documents. Our forensic teams analyze and identify document tampering, expertise in security calcographic papers, expertise in paper money, notarial holographic seals. We have forensic field kits for documentoscopy, appropriate and professional forensic packaging for each physical evidence support.

THE PERFECT LINK performs the expertise on mobile devices, such as smartphones, tablets, flash drives. The analysis and forensic tools available for this specialty involve observed collection, chain of custody, preservation of evidence, forensic cloning of equipment prior to forensic analysis by the appropriate forensic team, and result in the issuance of reports with solid and scientific content and objective, complete and organized expert reports.

The Experience at the crime scene is attended by THE PERFECT LINK in practically all its occurrences. We carry out expert reports on traffic accidents, expert reports on internal crimes in companies, Forensic medicine at outdoor crime scenes. Forensic services in this specialty may involve delineation, scene scanning, delineation and evidence collection, forensic redesign and reproduction of crime scenes in 3D models, security forensic video and other access control evidence, vehicle forensics, due diligence, projectile (projectile) trajectory forensics, firearms forensics, and analysis of calibers and pellet residue.

THE PERFECT LINK carries out expertise on works of art, with authenticity and dating analysis, with professional equipment and also with chemical analysis.

The experience in fingerprints, both impressions on physical supports and surfaces, as well as expertise and analysis of digitized biometric data, is carried out using techniques, adequate supplies and equipment. We have our own forensic laboratory that offers chemical, biological and electronic forensics with kits and tools of experience in the field. professionals, as well as field kits for this evidence.

The Laboratory of graphotechnical expertise at THE PERFECT LINK It has forensic software and professional equipment for forensic collection and signature analysis. forensic analysis carried out are not subjective, but based on graphotechnical forensic science, resulting in scientific expert conclusions regarding the authorship of the handwriting, fingerprint analysis, points of attack and forgery, signature dating, trace expiration, evidence of forgery or signature simulation.

THE PERFECT LINK performs expertise on email and WhatsApp messages on various platforms, analyzing header, body, attachments and metadata with forensic tools and techniques of the message Their real recipients, senders, are investigated, examining the attachments of these emails, whether they are images, documents or contracts in any format, they can also be object of computer forensic expertise and analyzed. We carry out a forensic search on the deleted and current messages, always using the selective search technique on a subject related to the case, without violating privacy.

THE PERFECT LINK performs miscellaneous professional forensic measurements, with professional techniques, forensic validation, measurement method and equipment with a Valid Calibration Certificate, in forensic measurements of noise (decibels), lighting, distances, wind speed, etc., both indoors and in the field.